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How Oral Health Affects Overall Health

As all of us know through science, everything from the brain to the toe is interconnected in our body. The same goes for your teeth. Taking good care of your teeth and gums is a good thing by itself, but it also helps in keeping the rest of your body healthy. Good oral hygiene can help in preventing tooth decay and gum disease, and also reduce the risk of diabetes, mouth cancer, leukemia, heart attack, strokes, and difficulties during pregnancy.

The mouth acts as a portal for entry of any infection, according to research. Plaque builds up easily if there is a residue of food left in teeth and harmful bacteria can enter the body through the mouth. Keeping your gums healthy can save you from a number of diseases. Here are a few complications that might arise due to bad oral hygiene:

Mouth Cancer:

  • Mouth Cancer also known as oral cancer is caused when a tumor is formed in any part of the mouth like on tongue’s surface, inside of the cheeks, lips, gums, etc
  • Bad oral hygiene is the major cause of mouth cancer. This can happen due to the consumption of tobacco.
  • People whose teeth are in poor condition are more susceptible to an oral virus that can cause mouth and throat cancer, according to research.


  • The connection between stroke and bad oral hygiene is the bacterial build up in your mouth
  • The bacterial infection in the mouth can get into the bloodstream making the blood more likely to clot, leading to a stroke.

Heart Diseases

  • Poor dental health increases the risk of bacterial infection in the bloodstream
  • It can further affect heart valves and may even cause a heart attack.

Aspiration Pneumonia

  • It is a lung infection that is caused due to inhalation of food, liquid, or vomit into your lungs. Poor dental health is also a big cause of aspiration pneumonia such as dental decay, bad hygiene, etc.
  • Oral bacteria can be pulled in from your mouth into your lungs that may cause pneumonia.
  • Older adults are more likely to suffer from this disease if oral hygiene is not maintained properly

Pregnancy and Birth Complications

  • Periodontitis has been linked to premature birth and weak babies.
  • Taking care of oral health is essential during the time of pregnancy, as hormonal changes are rapid at this time and likely to cause oral infection or any kind of gum disease.

Other Diseases that have been found to be linked with your oral health are diabetes, HIV/AIDS, Osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. Other conditions that might be linked to oral health include eating disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, certain cancers, and dry mouth.
You can easily protect yourself from all these diseases by following certain oral hygiene steps such as:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Floss daily.
  • Use mouthwash to remove residue food particles.
  • Eat healthy food and limit the quantity of sugar.
  • Avoid tobacco use.
  • Visit the dentist at least once every 6 months.
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3 months.

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