Orthodontic treatment helps you achieve a beautiful, long-lasting smile. Many people feel self-conscious about crooked or crowded teeth. This treatment modality involves the correction of such crooked or crowded teeth, close the gaps in between the teeth, align twisted/overlapping teeth and push back protruding teeth.
Orthodontic treatment is most commonly done during the teens, where it may be necessary to wait for some permanent teeth to erupt before starting the treatment. Adults nowadays also have no inhibitions in getting orthodontic corrections done with braces.
At Dental Bliss we offer 2 types of braces:
Metallic Braces: These braces are most commonly made from stainless steel and attached to the teeth using tooth colored filling material (composite resin).
Cosmetic/Ceramic Braces: The orthodontic wires can be tooth-colored to help improve the appearance further. This produces a more aesthetically pleasing appliance which is a far more attractive option.