Root Canal Therapy (RCT) is the process of removing the infected or decayed tooth substance along with the infected pulp of the tooth. It helps in preventing future infections and restores the strength of the tooth.
Single Sitting Root Canal is a novel advancement in dentistry which has transformed the entire root canal experience to be painless, time-efficient & stress free. It supplements and complements the total care of the patient.
However, not all cases are suitable for a single sitting root canal. Teeth with acute periapical abscess, having anatomic anomalies, undergoing a re-RCT and patients with TMJ disorder who cannot open their mouth for a long time are all contraindications for a single sitting RCT.
The key to a successful single sitting RCT is entirely dependent on the case selection done by the specialists. However, with our high standards of Local Anesthesia, advanced equipment and immense experience, the procedure is painless and patient friendly.
Dr. Surbhi Anand is one of the most experienced Endodontist/ RCT Specialists in Delhi/NCR, making sure that her patients are comfortable and mostly ensures a Feather Touch Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment.