Third molars, often known as wisdom teeth, are the last teeth to mature and appear in your mouth. They come in between the ages of 17 and 25, a time of life that has been called the "Age of Wisdom." If your wisdom teeth are giving you pain and distress, we recommend scheduling an appointment with one of our top dental professionals.
What is an impacted tooth?
When a tooth is unable to fully erupt in the mouth, it is said to be "impacted." As there isn't enough room, impacted teeth are unable to break through the gums. Wisdom teeth that are impacted can cause a variety of problems, including a distorted bite, tooth decay and even abscesses.
How serious is an impacted Wisdom Tooth
Impacted wisdom teeth can cause damage to nearby teeth or even infection if they are left untreated in the mouth. As the third molar area of the mouth is difficult to keep clean, bacteria that cause gum disease develop within.
Wisdom tooth extraction is more than often a surgical procedure to remove one or more wisdom teeth. This procedure is performed regularly at our clinic under local anesthesia.